Selection Controls

I first went through to practice optimizing the selection controls then I went back to try to clean up the screen and eliminate elements that wouldn’t be necessary in most cases when you are just searching for a flight. Like why would you need to input your country of residence here?

I figured the filters like price time of day, airline could be used on the next page where you see the list of flights.

Add other passengers is not very descriptive so I searched other flight searches to figure what this meant and determined it means children so added that as an input because people may miss the link.

I also have always disliked having to input the airport code especially if its different from the city like MCO for Orlando airport, better to just input the city you want to go to and have the system show you flights to local airports.

As someone who lives in the DC area there are 3 airports that I look at for flights that are close by so I like for a search to show me the best value from all of those airports.



